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New Year, New Ballet & Fashion Goals

I'm not huge of New Year's resolutions. I prefer to set "goals." Less pressure, you know? That way if I get to the end of the year, I don't feel like I beat myself up about it too much. Well, it's February and I'm just getting around to figuring out what I want to accomplish for the year and actually writing it down. How's that for procrastination? I'll keep it simple. I know you don't want the story of my life, so here goes:

  • Improve my ballet skills. As an adult learner, you take a beating. Mentally, physically. It's brutal. I've run two marathons and this is more psychologically taxing. I feel I should be farther along, but hey, it's all a journey, right? I did learn pointe last year. In my forties. So I'm going to cut myself a little slack. Just wanna keep moving forward.

  • Write more. I have a writing partner who will be helping me with that. Together, we will churn out some kick-ass prose.

  • Get my new home organized. When it's been a few months and you're still in boxes, you better get your ass in gear. Which leads me to....

  • Whittle down my clothing collection. List more on Poshmark, give more to new homes. Must say good-bye to a significant amount of my babies.

  • Continue to spoil my husband. What can I say, I'm old fashioned.

  • Not beat myself up if all of this is not accomplished in one month.

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